Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New stuff Feb week 1

These are some new drawings I did last week, I am having fun working with two and three color pencils. These were done first doing a very rough graphite pencil, then adding Polychromas Sangine colored pencil, stumping, going back overthem, pulling out the lights and adding black.

If you have any questions e-mail me. glennvilppu@gmail.com

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Ganapathy Subramaniam said...

Simply stunning.. as always.

Unknown said...

Inspires me to pick up a pencil right now!

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot! I love to see your drawings.

Thomas Satcher said...

fantastic and inspiring as always, I will be checking your blog daily, cant wait to see more of your current art!

jolt graphics said...
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Ted Warnock said...

Thanks for posting again Glenn. Love to see your stuff. Thanks for the mentoring!

Unknown said...

greatest of all time

Fenris said...

Mr. Vilppu, I would like to thank you for many years of superb drawing lessons. I've been using techniques gleaned from both The Drawing Manual and from the Language of Drawing series for 20 years. Practicing even 30 minutes a day from your lessons makes my own drawings look better every time. I only wish I could come take one of your classes. You are an inspiration to us all. Once again, thanks for giving us artists such valuable assistance.
By the way, I've been looking at your new art and it's as impressive as ever.